Site icon Philanthropy without Borders

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

Helping people communicate and connect across cultural differences for the purpose of creating a more just and equitable society has been a core component of my life’s mission.

Before starting Philanthropy without Borders, I worked full time for an NGO where I designed and launched the organization’s first Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program. This initial experience led me to serving in an advising role on numerous other such programs for international NGOs in the coming years. And shortly after becoming a certified trainer in Intercultural Communication, I designed and facilitated trainings for universities, hospitals, and nonprofits that helped participants become more aware of their own identities and cultural influences, as well as communicate more effectively with others across differences.

While I have been doing social justice work in various forms since 2009, creating the entity of Philanthropy without Borders presented new opportunities, and new responsibilities. As I drafted my own equity statement I strived for specificity and concreteness, and knew that this would not be a static list, but one that would continuously change over time.

Making this public statement does not mean I’ve never made a mistake or been misguided. On the contrary, mistakes are critical to my own learning. You should hold me and my business to the highest standard.

Myself, and my affiliates will:

My business will:

If you feel that something critical is missing from this list, send me an email and let me know!

Specific Initiatives from 2018-Present:

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