How to select the right internal manager for a trip

If you have an organization with more than four paid staff, this is for you… Planning a donor trip is tough work and usually involves the coordination of the Development staff, Leadership, Program/Field Staff, Partner Organizations, and Board. With so many stakeholders and different people involved, there should be nothing but clarity in terms of […]

Roles and Responsibilities in Planning a Donor Trip

Getting clear on roles and responsibilities for a donor travel program can be confusing. Nonprofits range in size and structure, so I developed this list as a reference – not a rule. Every organization is different and this graph may not accurately reflect your own, so take this format as an example of what I’ve seen […]

8 qualities to look for in trip participants

Before diving into the logistics of any nonprofit travel program, we must have clarity on who the right participants are for the trip. I always stress that any trip should be designed around one specific objective, with a clear understanding of the type of people that could help the organization achieve that objective. Whether your […]

Alumni trips vs Donor Trips: are they really one and the same…?

Alumni travel and donor travel have some essential differences in the type of participants they attract.  I recently met with a colleague from my university days and talked shop over some Portland coffee. He now works at a large university as a major gift officer. We spent quite some time talking about something that is […]

The ONE Thing about Donor Trips

For success in donor travel, it is important to focus on one main goal. People can only really do one thing well at a time, so we need to be focused in our requests. We know this from marketing 101. Campaigns and emails must have ONE clear ask, not “please make a contribution, and share […]